The saying goes that we are what we eat and think. Therefore, nutrition is critical in treating any health condition and should always be the foundation of any health plan. Modern science has confirmed that the foundation of all health lies in the gut. Another truth is that it is not what we eat but what is absorbed that counts. One can be on a “good diet”, but if nutrients are not absorbed, cellular metabolism will be affected, and eventually, a disease process will occur. So, what is the approach for severe or chronic issues like skin complaints, infertility, cancers, colitis, autoimmune disorders, or athletic performance and recovery? So how does one know if one is being nutritionally balanced?
Test, don’t guess!
The hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) test provides reliable clinical data on over 36 nutrient and toxic minerals and 27 significant mineral ratios. This test reveals deficiencies in mineral groups and identifies mineral ratios that may indicate underlying health issues and be precursors to more severe disorders.
The importance of minerals:
Minerals promote growth, healing, vitality, and overall well-being. These essential nutrients support bones and teeth while regulating the body’s pH levels, water balance, nerve activity, muscle contractions, energy production, and enzyme reactions. Essentially, they serve as the building blocks of life and cellular function.
Imbalances and Toxins:
It’s important to note that imbalances of minerals and excess toxic metals can worsen our health and well-being. These imbalances may cause conditions such as cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, migraines, learning difficulties, and hyperactivity in children, to name a few.
Here are some examples:
Zinc is lacking in our diet, and low zinc levels can reduce immune response and inflammation levels and affect hormone activity. However, overconsumption of zinc can reduce copper levels, negatively impacting the body’s ability to eliminate harmful bacteria and increasing the risk of chronic infections. Similarly, excessive calcium intake can contribute to heart problems and depression.
It’s always better to test than to guess when it comes to your health. An HTMA may reveal unexpected mineral deficiencies or even undiagnosed health issues, as it did for one of my clients who had a low thyroid issue despite testing normal on conventional blood test results.
In another case, a young female client was always found to be low in iron on her blood tests. She was eating a lot of iron-rich foods and taking a supplement. We tested and found that the body tissues were high in copper. Copper is an antagonist to Iron. Upon questioning, she revealed that she was involved in competitive swimming and the pool was treated with copper-based chemicals. Since she cannot change her swimming environment, we found supplementary ways of improving her iron status, not just taking iron supplements.
For more information, visit for an overview of this method of diagnosis.
Please get in touch with me to schedule a test. You don’t need a clinic visit, as I can post a test kit, and when the results are in, we can talk on the phone whenever you have time.
Peter Farnsworth N.D