Foot reflexology map

Reflexology is a specialised therapy based on the principle that reflexes in the hands, feet, and ears relate to every body organ. Stimulating these reflexes can bring organic relaxation to the body and restore harmony and balance. When an organ or gland is out of balance metabolically, it sends a signal via the nervous system to the brain. In turn, messages are sent to various body parts, such as the Ears, Hands, and Feet.  Parts of these reflex areas may become tender when active when pressed. This sends a  signal via the nervous system back to the brain to bring about changes in the affected part. So the brain acts as a traffic stop in a two-way street. Usually, vasodilation or increased blood flow occurs around the affected area when the reflex area in the hand, Ear or foot is stimulated.  This is only part of the story, and many other effects are taking place.  Reflexology aims to bring the body out of the Sympathetic mode ( Fight or flight )  nervous system into parasympathetic mode ( rest and restore) mode—this creates balance in the body.

The Ear is used therapeutically to treat specific conditions, but for most,  Foot Reflexology is the preferred option for improving general health.


  • Induce deep relaxation by bringing the body into parasympathetic mode.
  • Increase microcirculation to areas that have been constricted.
  • Help the body to eliminate metabolic toxins by increasing microcirculation.
  • Restore the body’s natural equilibrium or balance.


  • Allergies and Sinusitis
  • Asthma and respiratory problems
  • Back and spinal conditions
  • Autoimmune conditions
  • Bowel disorders such as  Irritable bowel, Colitis, and Diverticulitis
  • Insomnia and stress disorders
  • Hormonal conditions such as Pre-menstrual tension and Period pain

Foot Reflexology is received while reclining on a massage table and fully clothed except for the feet. After taking a case history, both feet are reflexed one side at a time using reflexology techniques, and if tender reflexes are found, they are worked on with pressure. Each session lasts for about 55 minutes. Naturally, several sessions may be required to bring about the desired results. Still, after a couple of sessions, there should be some effects to determine if Reflexology is the correct therapy for treating your condition.

Having weekly foot reflexology sessions combined with Herbal and Dietary Therapy is a potent combination of modalities that will balance and restore health to the body.  Reflexology sessions are sometimes combined with Acupressure points for more effective results.

For more information, don’t hesitate to contact me on 0438584123

Please note I have free pulse diagnosis readings available – see my website for details.

Peter Farnsworth N.D
